Sunday 5 April 2020

ADHD in Girls and Women - Good Meds Online

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ADHD is a disorder that develops at an early age and can happen to anyone, but your genes play a vital role. It is an estimation that between 5-11% of the children have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. And shockingly, more than half of them are girls. Some children outgrow it, but roughly three-quarters of the people having ADHD in their childhood continue to have the disorder as adults.
According to the stats, boys get diagnosed with ADHD at least twice as often as girls, but it doesn’t mean that more boys have it. Many experts say that girls don’t get easily diagnosed with ADHD as their symptoms are much harder to spot than boys.
There is not much research and data on ADHD in females as there is in males. Resultingly, less is known about how it affects girls. ADHD starts in childhood, but most of the females don’t find out that they have ADHD until they are adults, if they find out at all.
ADHD can be different for girls and women. There are three types of ADHD: inattentive type, hyperactive-impulsive type, and a combination of both. The inattentive type of ADHD is most common in girls, and it rarely catches the attention of parents and teachers.

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Impact of ADHD on girls and women:

As with males, females with ADHD often have trouble in school or work life. But they are less likely to get in trouble for acting out. Girls with the disorder tend to be seen as daydreamers. Females may have a harder time socializing too. It is essential to work with a health care professional to make sure that you are not missing signs and symptoms of a disorder that might point to a learning disability such as dyslexia. Once identified, limitations such as dyslexia and others can be successfully addressed.
For women with ADHD, it can be hard to stay on the top of a job and handle the stress of daily life. They might struggle in managing finances, caring for children, and completing household tasks.

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Emotional Toll:

Females with ADHD are more likely than boys with the disorder to blame themselves for not getting things done correctly. Having ADHD can also make it difficult for them to read social cues, which makes some girls feel insecure and unsafe. It also interferes with their ability to make friends.
These issues leave girls and women more prone to depression, eating disorders, and anxiety. Girls with ADHD may also develop bulimia or anorexia.

Being a girl, having ADHD can be very challenging. But it's one that boys and girls alike can learn to handle it. Although there is no complete cure of the disorder, people getting the right care can reach their potential and enjoy a fulfilled and happy life.

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20 Signs and Symptoms of ADHD in Girls

ADHD has long been viewed as a disorder affecting males. However, nowadays, more girls are getting a diagnosis of ADHD. Living with undiagnosed ADHD results in the disadvantages of low self-esteem, lack of accommodation in the classroom, and self-blame. If left undiagnosed, ADHD can also affect the mental health of girls and women. Being aware of the distinct ways ADHD can be present in a girl can help you know when it is time to see a health care expert for an evaluation.
For girls with ADHD, paying attention to any activity is the biggest challenge. They get easily distracted by external factors or drift off into a world of their own. For example, a dog outside the classroom window may take their attention away from something more substantial, like a teacher giving a lecture.
To compensate for her inattentive symptoms, a girl with ADHD may hyper-focus on the things that she likes or is good at. She may put forth so much effort and concentration that teachers or parents dismiss the possibility of ADHD. Sometimes, their hyper-focus is a strategy to cope up and keep herself entertained when something is boring. Other times, she may feel that she has no control over it.
Overactive girls are often referred to as “tomboys” because they like physical activity and don’t seem to enjoy the “typically girly things.” The girls are in motion in less obvious ways, perhaps moving around or always drooling in the chair.
A girl with impulsivity is hyper-talkative and verbally impulsive, which may interrupt others. She will talk excessively or change topics again and again during conversations. She may blurt out sentences without thinking about their impact on other people. People describe some of those girls as “drama queens.”
Here are 20 signs and symptoms of ADHD in girls. But not all girls with the disorder will have all of the following symptoms. Conversely, having two or three of these symptoms doesn’t equal an ADHD diagnosis. However, if a girl seems to exhibit a few of the following symptoms on a regular basis in more than one setting, it would be beneficial to consult an experienced health care professional.
  1. Easy distraction or challenging to maintain focus
  2. Change of focus from one task to the other
  3. Messy appearance and disorganization
  4. Forgetfulness
  5. Unable to complete tasks
  6. Daydreaming
  7. Require time to processes information or instructions
  8. Make careless mistakes
  9. Poor time management or often late
  10. Hyper-talkative or always has a lot to say
  11. Hyper-reactive or exaggerate emotional responses
  12. Verbally impulsive
  13. Get easily upset
  14. Highly sensitive to fabrics, noise, and emotions
  15. Doesn’t get motivated
  16. Doesn’t seem to try
  17. Appears shy
  18. Seems withdrawn
  19. Cries easily
  20. Often slam the door shut

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    5 Surprising Facts About Women with ADHD

  • ADHD affects women the same way it affects men, or even worse.
  • Women with ADHD are more prone to obesity, eating disorders, depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety.
  • Most women with ADHD remember having problems for a long time since childhood.
  • ADHD is a common disorder that affects roughly 3-9% of children of the United States, half of which are girls.
  • ADHD for women is different than those of boys. Women primarily have the inattentive type of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of ADHD

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The symptoms of ADHD for women differ from those of men. However, they may also experience some similar life difficulties while dealing with the disorder. Above, we have discussed all the signs and symptoms of ADHD for girls and women.
Women’s ADHD often gets overlooked until college time when they begin to show a lack of self-management and self-regulation.
Risks for women include things like being influenced by recreational drugs or by a sorority. However, they are not as wild as the boys; still, they can show more risk-taking behavior than other girls.
The mechanism of ADHD is the same in both males and females as they both have trouble with organization, planning, paying attention, and recalling details. The gender difference lies in how the disorder plays out in symptoms.
As attention is more subtle than hyperactivity, this is only why boys are more likely to get diagnosed with ADHD. However, by the time they reach adulthood, that gap shrinks. It is likely because girls get diagnosed later in life, compared to boys.
Girls may be able to cover up their symptoms of ADHD so they may “slip through the crack” and get a later diagnosis.

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